Pfizer-funded Grant Projects in the Works

There is a critical need for accessible, easily understood informative materials to use at the point of care at time of new diagnosis of Juvenile Arthritis to help guide a conversation between families and clinicians about JIA and its treatment. PR-COIN received a grant from Pfizer develop a solution to this challenge.

The Patient Education project will develop, curate, and disseminate educational materials that empower patients with JIA to participate in shared decision making with their rheumatologist. The materials will cover an overview of the condition, the fundamental goals of treatment, availability of multiple treatment options, and considerations in treatment decision making.

The PR-COIN team has already been working on another Pfizer-funded grant aimed at improving delivery of telemedicine. The project aim is to improve the delivery of virtual care to patients with JIA through optimization of standard elements of telemedicine visits. A video draft was presented at the Fall 2023 Learning Session, and that and a change packet and other materials are being developed to educate pediatric rheumatology healthcare providers, patients, and families.

Keep an eye out for the outcomes and further development of these projects.


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